A God that saves

"The Lord lifts up the downtrodden, he casts the wicked to the ground."

Psalms 147:6


Lord, I praise you because you are the one who rescued me from the clutches of my enemy. I am no longer a slave to sin or evil. Fill my heart with your sacrificial love in order to grow in compassion for the needy that you wish to rescue with the gospel of salvation. You are a saving God.

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The best place

The best place is where God wants me to be, where I am obeying his will. If I am faithful to the Lord, those places can be very different. And of course, the ...


Goodness, clarity, peace, and light

As children of God, remember that God will search for you among your pain and will not only will perfect you, but will also grow your compasion for the ...


A heart ready to receive

Lord, give me a chance on this day to share your life precepts with someone who has ears to hear and a heart ready to receive. give me a heart of obedience ...



Lord, increase my Faith each day so that I am able to move mountains in your name. I confess any doubt that I have as a sin before you and I ask you to forgive ...


The blessings will come over you

Many times we do not understand why the blessings are not coming to our lives and this is because we still live under the rules of the world. However if we live...


Agreeable and good person

Lord, teach me how to be a brave person who trusts in you and does not lose faith when faced with problems and extreme situations. Help me to be benevolent as ...

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