God's instrument

"God put this power to work in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come."

Ephesians 1:20-21


Brother/sister, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in the transformation you need to be an example for yourself and others. Remember that you are God's instrument and that your duty is to rise above your limitations, you must honor His name with your good deeds. Do not live without power and without hope of a true transformation.

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Supporting the friends

When we are friends with a person that is going through a complicated situation, as a friend of that person, we must try to calm the waters and speak to them ...


Praying without ceasing

Lord, teach me how to have the patience to pray without ceasing and to wait in your perfect time. I want to learn how to believe that you are in control of ...


You sustain me with your word

Lord, give me the opportunity to support through acts of kindness and instruct with your words of life those who are fearful. Renew my heart with the ...


Always help me

As children of God, we must remember that it is us who must take the first step to complete what the Lord asks us to do. When we take the first step, the Holy ...


Life-giving truth

Lord, I bless your name, I thank you for saving me from death, and for giving me eternal life in you. Encourage me to share the gospel of eternal life and ...


Time alone

Keep your faith strong in the Lord. You must understand that spending time alone with our loving Father may involve a tough discipline because it goes against ...

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